Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Touching the Void: re-enactment

The kids in the Compound recently watched the doco/movie Touching the Void.
Joe, the protagonist in this survival film, breaks his leg climbing a mountain. He recounts falling into an icy cold crevasse, where he spends a night alone before miraculously crawling down the mountain to survive.

Given hope by this inspirational tale, Jebb and Tom felt compelled to re-enact the movie. Jebb experienced his own brutal break of a collarbone on the treacherous peaks of Australia's Snowy Mountains.
Then, just like Joe, who had tumbled into an icy cold crevasse, Tom found himself falling into a (somewhat less icy) crevasse where he too spent the night.
Just as in the movie, Tom found his way out of that bottomless void and lived to tell the tale along his good friend Jebb, who recalls the horrendous night:


  1. Tash spreads her legs, Tomo peers in...

  2. More grunts than the birth of a rhinoscerous
